DCAD July Education Event: Strap-On Jo

By DC After Dark (other events)

Saturday, July 25 2020 3:00 PM 5:00 PM EST

Hacking your brain and nervous system can be a simple way to intensify sexual activities that you already find satisfying.  In this workshop, you will learn tools that, with practice, may enable: experiencing heightened and expanded pleasure; multiple orgasms for folks of all genders and genital configurations; orgasms without genital contact;  or new and varied types of orgasms.  These tools can also be super useful for accessing more choice around where, when, and for how long you respond to sexual opportunities.  

What are we hacking?  Your autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a major role in your sexual play by facilitating arousal/engorgement, lubrication, orgasm, and how you experience pleasure.  The ANS acts unconsciously to control breath and blood flow and also to protect us from experiencing overwhelming emotions and sensations.  We can, however, consciously hack the system to work better for us.  Our toolkit for hacking?  Breathwork, placement and movement of attention and focus within the body, activation and relaxation of certain facial and pelvic muscles, giving and receiving touch (the next workshop), moving your hands and feet, and making sounds.
Hacking your brain and ANS can also be really useful for addressing challenges you may experience such as when:  you want to become (or stay) turned on, but your brain just won't shut the fuck up; you zone out and disconnect when you do get turned on; you disconnect your genitals from the rest of your body and only focus on them; you get close to orgasm and wish it were easier to get over the edge; or you come more rapidly than you want to.

This workshop is fully clothed and does not involve touching or being touched by other participants.  It does involve opportunities to participate in exercises that manipulate your autonomic nervous system in ways that may evoke emotional responses.  Participation in each exercise is optional, I will give you a heads up about possible contraindications, and emotional support people will be available.  If you are interested in attending and have a history of trauma (sexual or otherwise), you are welcome (but not required) to contact me ahead of time to discuss whether this workshop is safe for you and aligned with where you are in your healing journey.


Strap-On Jo