DCAD November Education

By DC After Dark (other events)

Sunday, November 10 2019 2:30 PM 4:00 PM EDT

Kinky Social Etiquette: How to get along with perverts

New to public kink? Or just need a refresher? Tips for the terminally awkward, the socially savvy, and everyone in between. This workshop can include roleplay exercises.


Amethyst Wonder was spawned from the mind and libido of a then-32-year-old kinkster and self-proclaimed slut as she surfed the internet looking for like minds. She identifies as a Black, queer, femme, polyamorous, cisgender, switchtastic, Christian humanist, geeky, pervert of color.

Usually seen as Mommy/Big Sister, helper, protector, nurturer, administrator, and/or organizer, Amethyst tries to help others along their own journeys of personal exploration whenever possible. She is also proud to be a founding member of the DC After Dark leadership team.